Tucson Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Representing Ailing Clients in Arizona
Did you know that even a seemingly minor car crash or slip and fall can lead to a traumatic brain injury? Even a slight brain injury can cause significant changes to your life. Wildcat Law is a severe injury law firm located in Tucson, AZ. At Wildcat Law, we understand that a brain injury can have a dramatic impact on its victim in many ways: medically, physically, economically, and psychologically.
If you were in an accident, you may have head trauma and not even know it. A traumatic brain injury can take months to show itself. Before anything else, you should get yourself checked out by a medical professional to determine if you’ve suffered a severe head injury.
If you or your loved one have suffered damages and brain injuries as the result of a motor vehicle crash, accidents of negligence, or accidents where proper care was not taken to warn people of certain dangers, an attorney may be able to seek compensation for the victims with a personal injury lawsuit.
What Are Common Symptoms and Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
The effects of a traumatic brain injury vary in type and severity.
Here is a list of common cognitive problems that may indicate a traumatic brain injury:
- Lightheadedness, dizziness, or blurred vision
- Difficulty with thought processing
- Memory loss
- Word recall difficulty
- Extreme forgetfulness
- Inattentiveness
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Confusion
- Headache
- Reduced ability to tolerate frustration
- Depression
- Severe mood swings
Severe TBI may have these additional symptoms:
- Headache that gets worse or does not go away
- Repeated vomiting or nausea
- Convulsions or seizures
- Dilation of one or both pupils in the eye
- Slurred speech
- Weakness or numbness in the extremities
- Continued deterioration of physical health
Oftentimes, the victim of a brain injury does not even realize they have been affected, or they will ignore the signs and symptoms, especially if they appear “mild” to them.
If you have been in an accident and have any of the above symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. Early testing by a neuropsychologist/neurologist is critical both for your physical well-being and for preserving your personal injury claim.
Is Hiring the Right Personal Injury Lawyer Important?
If you believe you have suffered a brain injury, it is important to hire an experienced traumatic brain injury attorney.
If you or a loved one are TBI victims, please contact the law firm of Wildcat Law for legal representation and guidance about how best to proceed with your brain injury cases.
Tucson attorney Lew Moore has handled many traumatic brain injury claims and knows how to present diagnostic information to give your case an advantage and a greater chance of success.
When Should You Hire a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer?
It’s important to contact Wildcat Law as soon as possible after an accident so that your case and treatment can be well documented from the very beginning of your symptoms. This will give you the best chance possible of getting the compensation you deserve and the treatment you need.
Insurance companies are resistant to paying a fair settlement for any claims. Sometimes it takes the right personal injury attorney in your corner to ensure that you are properly respected and that your trauma receives a fair settlement.
What is the Cost of a Brain Injury Attorney?
Wildcat Law, like most personal injury law firms, works on a contingency fee basis. That means that we only get paid if we win your case by settlement or trial. There is no up-front fee. Your lawyer is paid a percentage of what we recover for you.
Our office staff is always happy to help answer your questions. Please contact our office to schedule your free consultation. 602-795-6605.